Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Joys of City Life

Ah.... Sometimes I don't feel like a real missionary because I live in a large city. I read my friend Suellen's blog, missionary in the Gambia, and think of the drastic difference it is to minister in the city.

I am going to focus on one of the pleasures it is to work and live in the city. Last night after work I with three other girls went to the center of the city to see the Lion King. The good thing it was in English, so it was a nice treat just to sit and veg and enjoy the costumes and scenery. At first I thought we would have some trouble because a major storm blew in last night. Tree limbs were flying everywhere. Luckily none hit our car. When we were near the theater (in the very very rich side of town) we saw one tree had blown over and had landed on two parked cars. We made it to the theater with no problems. It was a nice treat to go to a Broadway play for less than 12 dollars.

Even though sometimes living in the biggest city in the world can be stressful, it does have its advantages!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Small World

Just a quick note. Sometimes it amazes me how small the world can seem even living in the largest city of the world. (Mexico City has over 30 million people) My car has been in the shop since Christmas, to get a few repairs.... SO I have been taking public transportation. I do like the fact I can still get around without my car, however it does take longer on a bus. Well the other day I left to catch my bus and when I got on there were two Church members from Nelson's church. It feels like a small little city when you see someone you know..

Hope you have a good day. Going to jovenes, Youth group, and we are going to start to study the book, The Stranger On the Road to Emmaus.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year

Evelia and Juan Carlos one of her sons...

Okay this wish is a little late, but I hope you all look forward to the new year. I was able to spend Christmas and New Years with my parents in Pennsylvania. I had many days of relaxation. Sorry I did not call some of you in Maryland. I think I was in hibernating mood.

I arrived back in Mexico on Friday Jan. 4th in the middle of the afternoon. I was home for a good ten minutes when I had to leave again to help a friend. My friend and her three young children came to spend the night until Sunday morning. Please pray for my friend Evelia, and her children. She is going through a very difficult time right now. Friday night when Evelia was crying and asking questions... I thought I am not qualified to help. Pray for me as I along with others try to help Evelia in her time of need. She and her children need to be coverd with prayer.