Thursday, February 28, 2008

ISB mini renuion.....

Wow it is amazing how God works. This past Monday we had an ABWE gathering at Nelson's house. While there we were able to share and pray with his daughter in law, Sara Morales. (Keep praying because for her because she is still in the healing process). I know it will take a long time. It was neat however after lunch we started talking. I knew she had gone to the same high school I did. That is a miracle in its self because we both attended the International School in Bangkok. Better known as ISB. (Sara was a missionary kid... and I lets just say not SAVED YET.) She graduated two years ahead of my class in 85 and I in 87. However she worked at the school in 86. My first year I attended and she worked with several teachers I had. She also helped with track and field a sport I was involved in in high school. I don't remember her nor she me, but it took God 21 years later to cross our paths again... WOW

By the way for those of you who know we happened to be wearing the ISB colors... Go Panthers....

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sometimes Bethany and I like to have a foot scrub....Tonight was one of those nights. I don't really need to say much. I think the picutres speak for themselves. I only thought this happened in the movies. Guess not.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentines Day

Happy late Valentines Day,

I love the way Mexico celebrates Valentines Day. It is not just a day to celebrate romantic LOVE, but to also celebrate friendship. Here they call it Día de amor y amistad. This Valentines day fell on my day off Thursday, so two of my single Mexican friends and Bethany went to the park. We cooked out and then piged out on beef steak and tortillas... YUMMMMM.. then came home and watched a dvd. It was a good time. Bethany and I also made small cup cake hearts for our neighbors and gave them out. Pray for our neighbors as we continue to build a realtionship with them. Hope you all were able to celebrate valentines day with your love ones too.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Burn

Here are the pictures I promised yesterday. It does not show the everything but you can see how close it got to the houses and the big tree we saved....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lost Blog Now found....

I added a Christmas blog I thought I lost. Scroll down to read what happend before Christmas.

Missionary or Firefighter?????

Wow what a night... This I think can only happen in Mexico. Tonight Bethany and I were having dinner with Zina and her boys and we smelled something that was burning. Zina informed us sometimes people burn the fields next to our house. Sure enough when we went outside the field next to Bethany's and my house was on fire. Drew and I watched my neighbor pour buckets of water on the field. I didn't think it was that bad; however after a few minutes I realized we needed to help him with the buckets of water. So Zina, Drew, Bethany, and I came with our buckets. Our neighbor wanted to throw water on a huge tree in the field, because he was afraid it would catch fire. However when we went to put water on the tree we couldn't get near the tree because the flames and smoke were too bad. We were afraid because if the flames or sparks got too near the homes they could catch the gas tanks on fire. Big problems because all the houses in Mexico have their gas tanks on top of their houses. One of the neighbor ladies called the fire department two times but they never sent anyone to help. So now the fire is out and all is save and sound. Zina then told us to keep our doors closed because now the RATS will be looking for a new home and they ususally seek the houses near by. I will send pictures when the blog is not acting up.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

From Mexico to China

I often wonder if God would ever call me to another country like China to minisiter for Him. I don't know if I could learn another language....
February 7th is the Chinese New Year. I decided to use this opportunity to have the children in kids club learn and pray for the Chrisitans and the church in China. The first two picutres are the children making a sign to remind them to pray for the Chinese. It says... Jesus loves you. The last picture is of Blanca holding up her finished sign with a Chinese umbrella.
Pray God might use one of the kids to go as a missionary in the future.