Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily Life

Stress is the condition that results when person-environment transactions lead the individual to perceive a discrepancy, whether real or not, between the demands of a situation and the resources of the person's biological, psychological or social systems.

I am sure none of us have felt that way!! Lately I feel like I am living in a bubble of stress. First financially after my operation. Okay that was not a planed expense. I hopefully will get reimbursed for that SOON, but I have to wait until the claim goes through.
The second stress is the fact in less than a month I will be leaving Mexico. I don't have my visa for the next year and need my new visa before I leave in April. I also will have trouble packing because the doctor told me I couldn't lift anything over 10 pounds for the next six weeks. Furthermore I feel bad because Bethany is doing all the housework and I can't do much to help her. I am tyring to live stress free because I know God has a plan and purpose for everything, but as they say easier said than done. Pray that I can feel God's presence in this stressful time, and not cause more health problems. My blood pressure has been through the roof this last week. (even after taking my medicine) Which than causes me more stress and the cycle continues.......


Bethany said...

Tu tranquila yo preocupada....como los mexicanos dirian!

God has it in control and don't feel bad about me....just make sure you pay your chacha well jejejeje:)

Suellen Black said...

Hey, I'm praying for you. Glad your feeling well enough to want to lift... but don't.
How long are you in America for? I land at BWI June 16th.

Diana said...

Hope the BP is down. Praying that your time in Veracruz will refresh and renew you!