Saturday, April 19, 2008

Eight days and a wake-up

Eight days and a wake up. We used to say this when we were little and living in Turkey. It would indicate how much time we had left before we returned to the states. Well I have eight days and a wake up before I leave MEXICO. (we never counted the day we left it was our wake up.) It has been hard!!! I have been packing for the last two days. The good thing is I can keep my furniture in the same house because Bethany is going to continue to rent. Pray as I say goodbye to my Mexican friends. Last weekend I went on a church retreat. I told myself I would not cry, but I ended up crying. Even the deacon of our church was crying. This week I will be having many going away parties. I will be leaving April 28th in the morning. Hope to see my friends in Maryland soon.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Good News

Today I woke up and thought it would be an ordinary day. I started off my day with an ABWE business meeting. Around noon our meeting finished and I was set to start my daily activities. When I got home from my meeting I had a message on my answering machine from a special friend I have been seeing for the last six months. We have been getting serious these last three months. I was not expecitng to hear from him today, however he asked me if I was avalible to have lunch together. I wasn't expecting anything special, but during lunch he got down on one knee and proposed. Of course my answer was YES!!! He is planning to come home with me in April so he can meet all my friends and family. I called my family and they were excited to hear the good news. I am including the picture I got of him today.

April Fool's!!!