Tuesday, September 23, 2008

39 for the first time!

Well I celebrated my first 39th birthday last Thursday. I had a good day. I started my day heading to a doctors appointment. For the past few months my hands have been going numb. The doctor suggested I take medicine to help with the swelling of the pinched nerve. I then headed to class. My creative Bible study class is held every Thursday. After class I headed to my friend Tammy's house and then met several friends and my sister and her family for dinner. I had a great time. I also had a great weekend with my parents to celebrate my birthday. Next year I will write you about my second 39th birthday.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The call

The doctor only said he would call if there was something wrong. Well today I got the "Call". I stopped at K-Mart (I had to include that for my coworkers in Mexico where there is no K-Mart) and received the call that the MRI showed I have a herniated disk in my neck. After the doctor told me in medical terms I then asked him to explain what that meant. He told me I would have to go to a neurologist to find out my treatment. For the past few months my hands have been going numb for no reason. I always have had a pain in the neck... No not you Bethany :) so I didn't really think it was a big problem. I will fill you in when I find out more info.