Friday, November 23, 2007



Sorry about the cartoon... but my coworker put it on her blog and I thought it was funny and wanted to share.

I had a great Thanksgiving. Several of us missionaries from different mission boards got together to share a meal. It was a nice time of fellowship and playing games. The best story of the night was when Dave, the missionaries house we were at was telling us about how he got the turkey we ate for dinner. Here is part of the story, and of course it is better to hear it live, well Dave and Joanne thought it would be nice to buy a live turkey from one of their friends that raises turkeys. Dave thought it would help this lady financially and he would also be able to come away with a good turkey. First he picked the turkey he thought was best and then he and the lady had to cut off it's head. The lady took the machete and hacked at the turkeys neck. The first blow did not cut off the turkey's neck so she had to do it again... GROSS. Well after they cut off the head Dave had to hold the neck over a bucket to catch all the blood.. YUCK.... He said the turkey would not stay still and it was flinging all over so he said he was covered in blood. Finally when he got off all the feathers, he realized the turkey was all fat and did not have much meat...

I think I will stick to buying my turkeys at the supper market....


Suellen Black said...

Since I have experienced the obtaining of live birds for dinner... I can picture Dave's experience and listening to him tell it must have been a hoot.
We opted to have Thanksgiving on Friday and serve chicken (frozen and purchased from a store). The pumpkin pie was a fantastic, even though it came from a green pumpkin... what can I say.
Thanks for writing.

teachnkids said...

I have not been keeping up with your blog. Glad I found it again. You are doing a great job! Glad to hear your hair is still good and you were able to have the turkey experience:) Thanks for all that you do. You are in our prayers!