Saturday, August 4, 2007

Life around town in Mexico

Brains!!! My friends love brain tacos. I can honestly say I haven't tried them yet. Don't think I will try them any time soon. One of my friends Letty her favorite taco meat is eye. Another meat I am NOT going to rush out and eat..
Living life in a big city can become interesting. Yesterday I went downtown to get my visa. Por fin!!! Only 3 weeks late. Three weeks of riding the buses. I am very thankful Mexico City has great public transportation. It is easy to get around when you can't drive. However yesterday when I was on the bus the weirdest thing happened to me. I was sitting in the back with several other people when this older lady boarded the bus and sat next to me. She must have been in her 60's or maybe even 70's. Nothing odd about that... HOWEVER about 10 minutes into the bus ride she started to slump over. I grabbed her because I thought she was going to fall out of the seat onto the floor. I kept asking her if she was okay, but she did not respond or sit back up. I was rubbing her back to try to get a response. I really thought she was having a stroke or was dying. I looked to the young man next to me for help. Maybe this older women didn't understand me. He must have had the same face I was wearing... I don't know what we are going to do. He then started to ask her if she was okay. Again there was no response. A few minutes later she sat up and then looked at me with this blank stare like she didn't know where she was or what had happened. Again I asked her if she was okay. She still did not respond. I though maybe she can't hear. When she sat up from her slump she put her arms in my lap and proceeded to rest until she felt better. I didn't know what to do. The only thing I did was pray for her when I got off the bus. I sure hope she is alright.
Ministry is going well Eleazar and Susi got married on the 15th of July. It was a nice wedding. My helper who is helping with kid's club and Bible club hasn't been with me for the past two weeks. I have been on my own in ministry but God is providing great opportunities with the kids.


Suellen Black said...

Amiga! Comoc estas? Okay that is it with my Spanish. I love your new blog and look forward to reading it. I love my blog. It is fun to do. Have fun with it. When is furlough? I wish we could do tacos (Mexican food would be so great right now.)

Josey said...

Hey Darlene
Rich & I are looking forward to seeing you in Cancun! I will be interested in hearing how you like having a blog...thinking about doing it myself.
Que Dios te Bendiga!!

Rich & Jo Ann Davis

Janice said...

Hi Darlene,

Just one of your Gringo friends. Cool Blog! Now you have to keep it up - we'll be checking for new posts often.

Have a great day!