Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentines Day

Happy late Valentines Day,

I love the way Mexico celebrates Valentines Day. It is not just a day to celebrate romantic LOVE, but to also celebrate friendship. Here they call it Día de amor y amistad. This Valentines day fell on my day off Thursday, so two of my single Mexican friends and Bethany went to the park. We cooked out and then piged out on beef steak and tortillas... YUMMMMM.. then came home and watched a dvd. It was a good time. Bethany and I also made small cup cake hearts for our neighbors and gave them out. Pray for our neighbors as we continue to build a realtionship with them. Hope you all were able to celebrate valentines day with your love ones too.

1 comment:

Rose of the Hill said...

Thanks for the encouragement...


I love your cupcakes.... they look yummy :-)